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Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:40 pm
by Petros
Wind is picking up here from the NW, temp has warmed to 21C with a few sunny breaks over past hour, baro fallen further to 993 hPa. There's going to be some wind here if nothing else.

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:44 pm
by johnno
WOW!!!! I copped that cell went red right over my house NW of the CBD about 20 mins ago! First started out as big fat drops 20c coins heavy rain for 3-4 mins then the hail started was bloody loud!! Took some pics Anthony Violi will post them up later. Hail went for another 5 mins!! pea size hail! Got 7mm from that cell! Amazing

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:45 pm
by occluded
Had a roll of thunder about five minutes ago then the rain kicked in. Had some small hail for about ten seconds now back to rain. Reasonable intensity of rain but nothing insane compared to some previous events over the past few months,

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:50 pm
by Hamlan
Similar story here in Bundoora 20mins ago except we got several CG's within 500m, one I saw clearly! wind and rain intense with small hail.


Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:56 pm
by Blackee
The BBQ at Ruffy Lake Park was quickly abandoned after a couple of booms and then 5 mins of gusty hail showers :D
Plenty of flash flooding along King Street, only 2mm recorded at home however, so very localised.
Thunder still rolling away from the cell around Mooroolbark.

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:57 pm
by Duckey
Flash BANG!!! And torrential rain and hail! This is fantastic!!! :bringiton:

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:57 pm
by Anthony Violi
Pics for Johnno...





There reports from Lysterfield of rotation and possible meso developing with that red core over Ringwood. Worth keeping an eye on as the outflow wind was so strong couldnt hear the person talking.

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:57 pm
by tizza
johnno wrote:WOW!!!! I copped that cell went red right over my house NW of the CBD about 20 mins ago! First started out as big fat drops 20c coins heavy rain for 3-4 mins then the hail started was bloody loud!! Took some pics Anthony Violi will post them up later. Hail went for another 5 mins!! pea size hail! Got 7mm from that cell! Amazing
I got the big fat rain and thought here we go, but missed the rest, I just ended up getting a nice shower. Happy with that. Looks like you copped a ripping little cell there John!

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:59 pm
by James
some thunder here but not really much hail

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:05 pm
by stormygirl
Nice hail there, Johnno!

A small squally shower passed through here, no hail, one flash and 4 rumbles. 1mm so far. It was very dark, though!


Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:05 pm
by Anthony Violi
We are being brutally assaulted...plenty of thunder from the Ringwood cell, looks extremely heavy. Im assuming heaps of hail with that one too, reports to follow.

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:07 pm
by Duckey
Got quite a bit of hail with that one AV, but pretty much melted as soon as it hit the ground. Mixed in with too much heavy rain. Fast moving cell that one - it's gone as quick as it came. We got belted with rain!

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:08 pm
by occluded
Sniper wrote:The BBQ at Ruffy Lake Park was quickly abandoned after a couple of booms and then 5 mins of gusty hail showers :D
Plenty of flash flooding along King Street, only 2mm recorded at home however, so very localised.
Thunder still rolling away from the cell around Mooroolbark.
Yep was down at Ruffey Lake Park with the kids, keeping one eye on them and one on the weatherzone radar :) Hopefully the jumping castle survived ok.

Light rain now after a few more rumbles and the pager is quiet, so good weather to watch the cricket being wrapped up.

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:22 pm
by Blackee
Good falls out east, with Orbost picking up 17mm, on top the 16mm to 9am this morning.

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:27 pm
by I_Love_Storms
If anything the radar is underestimating again today. Had a monster shower before and it only showed up as blue on the radar!

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:25 pm
by stratospear
Heavy shower of rain right now. Decidedly wintry out there today.

Also, yet another 100mm month has transpired...

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:41 pm
by Australis(Shell3155)
Quickly checked radar when I noticed how black it was outside before heading to Mountain gate,
agree with the underestimating of radar,
squally winds,
heavy rain
few cc and one huge cg while waiting outside clark rubber.
Was watching some interesting clouds towards Lysterfield but dont know what I am looking for.
2mm here,
Lost power also James, least now I know its not my safety switch playing up.

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:42 pm
by SC.
Looks to be a 2nd band forming behind the first front.

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:43 pm
by Blackee
Quite a strong line of storms passing thru Yarrawonga.
Will be surprised if a STW is not issued with 30mins.

Edit: Also a reasonable storm heading towards Swan Hill from the WSW.

Re: Victoria: Cold fronts & cut-off low - 17-20th Dec (Obs)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:58 pm
by Anthony Violi
Another nice band forming, should peak right over us. Still looking good with the wrap around well and truly on, and could be a wet night.

Had 5mm from the first lot, most missed us, expecting much more with the next 2 or 3 bands.