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Tony Middleton's Camera Gear Stolen

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Karl Lijnders
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Tony Middleton's Camera Gear Stolen

Post by Karl Lijnders »

Hi Everyone,

Tony Middleton, a friend to many on here, recently had his camera gear stolen from his property in S Gippsland. He is one of the great photographers in this country. He has lost everything, including portfolio work spanning near on 10 years!

Please look out for this stuff on Ebay or any other trading websites:

Fuji G6 17

......Canon 5d mark 11 missing rubber on HDMY port and bit of rust on hot shoe
Canon 70-200 L series F2.8 mint
Sigma 50mm Canon Mount 1.4 mint

Canon 17-40 F4 L with chipped filter thread

13 inch Macbook Pro 250gb 2.55 processor

5 x western digital 750gb portable hard drive

Olympus 1030SW underwater camera

Amongst other things such as snorkelling equipment, travel bags etc


Visit some of his work online here.... http://tonymiddleton.wordpress.com/
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Re: Tony Middleton's Camera Gear Stolen

Post by Lily »

Oh that just stinks, geez people have such a rotten sense of entitlement :x And such a huge invasion of your privacy, too :(

We've been burgled twice by the same people, sure enough they came back six weeks later and re-stole our new things (even with upgraded security!). They were caught the second time around because an alert employee at a second hand shop in Dandenong pressed the button under the bench and got the police there. They'd apparently been hocking our things to a few of the second hand dealers in Dandenong all on the same day. We got some of our possessions back.

Checking online is a great idea, but also suggest to him trying in second hand shops in and slightly outside of his area? I've heard of a few people finding their stolen items this way (though requires perseverance as they usually wait a few weeks for things to "cool" before trying to sell).
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Re: Tony Middleton's Camera Gear Stolen

Post by mick »

That sucks, I fear most of it would have been dumped somewhere, by the side of the road, who knows where. I hope the local paper picks the story up, thats his only chance unless the coppers know who the usual suspects will be.

Only dogs deter burglars, mine always have access to inside the house when I am not home. No point leaving them in the backyard.

Someone tried to break into my house once pre dog days, I was in bed and they were halfway through the kitchen window when I worked out what was going on. No peace of mind after that until I got a dog.

In this digital age, you need to have three copies of everything, HD, removable HD and on disk and not all at the same place at the same time ever.
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Re: Tony Middleton's Camera Gear Stolen

Post by Rivergirl »

That's so terrible to hear. Tony must be devastated. Wouldn't you like to get your hands on these mongrels. I am on photography forums so I can repost this info if you like. I back up in triplicate and keep my hard drives in 3 different suburbs because of the risk of bushfires up here.

I am hoping that some of this can be recovered especially the hard drives.
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Re: Tony Middleton's Camera Gear Stolen

Post by thunderhead »

This is absolutely devastating news and my heart goes out to Tony. For a photographer, it's like losing a close and dear friend.

It brings back terrible memories for me when all my gear was stolen 7 years ago. The guy who stole my gear was chased interstate by VicPol but once he arrived in NSW, the chase ended and none of my gear was retrieved. It took me 12 months to get over my depressed state, buy new gear and start taking photos again. Oh, and my gear wasn't insured for the incident that occurred so I copped it financially as well.

I hope for his sake that Tony can recover his gear. I for one will be watching eBay and other sites. John K
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Karl Lijnders
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Re: Tony Middleton's Camera Gear Stolen

Post by Karl Lijnders »

It is just unforgiveable and a disgusting act.

When we hear any news we will let the community know but there are a lot of people in the weather community keeping a look out!
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