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Before Posting in Climatology......

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:56 pm
by Karl Lijnders
Hello everyone :) It is great to find you at our new home!!! This is going to be a place hopefully we can see growth not only in number but in our own knowledge and understanding of weather and how the climate impacts us and the environment around us.

In saying that - I feel the need to share the reason for why we have a climatology forum, and that is to discuss, with passion, the effects of Climate (and perhaps the ongoing change) and how it impairs our weather. Now that really was and still is my intention for this place, but in light of recent events within the media, and government, things have gotten out of hand, and I feel have crossed a line.

In saying that - the rules for this forum and particularly this one is that there will be no personal attacking of any individual who may have a polarised view on this topic. There will be no trial of those people who are passionate about they're stand point. There will be no attack on people personally for what occupation they carry and subsequent viewpoint they come from. This applies to the scientific, political and social values and belief system that surround this topic.

I am all for free speech and I rarely delete things off forums, but in the last week I have had too and authorise moderators to do so. I don't want to do that again. If you can play nice and talk like a person would or debate like people would face to face and not behind the computer with false bravado, then I think we will be OK.

I am sharing my vision for this place and I hope you can respect it. I hope this is a common view held by many, and I don't really need to be reassured in this, because judging by conversation before the preverbial crap hit the fan, we understood one another. Anyhow, post away, play nice and Anthony and myself will keep an eye on things!!


Karl :)

Re: Before Posting in Climatology......

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:59 pm
by admin
After much deliberation, Climatology is back online.

This board is very popular and most of the time worthwhile information is posted for all AWF Members and Guests to digest.

Now, we don't all agree on all topics, that's human nature, however if accusations or personal attacks are being made, then we will have no choice but to scrap the board. If you are concerned about specific information being posted, please sne d a PM to admin or directly to the person who has posted the info, and not make it a slanging match.

Thanks for your time.