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Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:29 pm
by dagget
Same here, rain all day but a bit more than 8mm, hoping to crack the 100mm for this event (thurs-sunday), last check, 84mm

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:36 pm
by stratospear
Flooding of the Loddon River is going to cause some real headaches in coming days. All creeks feeding into it are going gangbusters, and massive water releases from Cairn Curran are continuing to increase.

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:11 pm
by Petros
melsy wrote:Just got back from Bunnings and installed my new rain gauge and it looks like just in the time.
We have such a small backyard I hope I put it in properly.
Well done Melsy, more stats to come for all of us to enjoy!

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:28 pm
by Petros
I got my game of golf in without getting wet. Convective clouds all around while playing but no rumbles, a strong Easterly set in 3pm and diffused things. A gusty system with a few distant rumbles arrived 4.30pm to give us 3mm to add to our 5.5mm last Thursday.

Its calm and overcast with light rain continuing atm, baro dipped to 1007 hPa but has kicked up again slightly which dents my expectations for overninght rain somewhat.

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:32 pm
by droughtbreaker
The map above does not indicate that the Grampians are 'very dry'. Mount William has had 1263.6mm so far this year and should easily crack 1300mm for the year if December is average. Ararat has had 689.2mm which is a full 100mm above the ytd average with a month to go. Similarly Stawell has had 619.8mm which is around 90mm above average for the year. A similar story to north central actually. How this makes it 'very' dry up there I can't understand.

South Gippsland and the Dandenongs (particularly the southern slopes) are wet places, and an average year in those places is pretty wet. If it is completely saturated through the north central areas on and north of the divide and most of these places have had less rainfall than the Dandenongs would have had this year, how does that make the Dandenongs dry?

We are currently around 120% above the annual average here with a month to go. I can tell you it is pretty wet here that's for sure.

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:35 pm
by eddie
Well we had no rain at all between about 8am and 1pm, things were looking good then a massively heavy shower that flooded the roads and only last 10-15 minutes hit at 1pm ending cricket for the day :( The actual rain didnt arrive untill about 4:00, havent seen any storms yet at all in this system but still plenty of rain, tipped out 70mm this morning and last glance it was between 30-40mm already so over 100mm already for this event, hoping for a nice wet night

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:36 pm
by stratospear
Amazing how patchy some of the rain has been. 22mm here, yet only 4km away at airport AWS: 11mm.

It looks like current system will be clearing out towards the east overnight. It'll be intriguing to see what happens midweek and whether trough retrogrades westward.

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:37 pm
by Karl Lijnders
Sitting on 111mm for event here and things are moving despite the local dryness in the Dandenongs which is affecting a small region.

Coming down pretty nicely from the north, might get another 20mm.

Tomorrow looks to have tapered back a bit and will look at that a little later at the forecast for that. Tricky weather at the moment.

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:41 pm
by Petros
Still raining lightly out of a pale featureless high based sky, 1.5mm since last post. Quite cool 21C sitting here out on the back verandah, no breeze.

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:46 pm
by I_Love_Storms
Yeah tomorrow will be interesting, not expecting too much but who knows.

As much as we all enjoy the heavy rain etc. we have had so much lately and it isn't even summer yet...I can't imagine what some of these systems would have been like should they have occurred in Jan or Feb :o The whole east coast of Aus should be on red alert for big floods this summer.

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:47 pm
by Petros
DB, HB refered to W/Cental Gippy - not S!!!

I can vouch that he is correct.

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:53 pm
by I_Love_Storms
EC has 6mm for the city tomorrow and has about 10mm tonight. Take from it what you like I suppose, they are normally pretty close to the mark.

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:02 pm
by Onetahuti
12 mm since 9am, water tank is full so for me it can stop now.

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:09 pm
by melsy
Thanks Petros
Sitting on 16mm since 1pm.
10.5 of that was in 15 minutes.

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:13 pm
by droughtbreaker
Finally getting some decent rain here after light dribbly stuff for most of the day.

EC indicates some half decent rain overnight before mostly clearing Sunday morning. BOM seems to be a little more enthusiastic atm with rain in central areas until midday but it won't be for here.

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:19 pm
by Supercellimpact
stratospear wrote:Amazing how patchy some of the rain has been. 22mm here, yet only 4km away at airport AWS: 11mm.

It looks like current system will be clearing out towards the east overnight. It'll be intriguing to see what happens midweek and whether trough retrogrades westward.
yeah that's interesting, yesterday we got thunderstorm before the rain band overnight that dumped about 5- 10mm and the airport recorded nothing, must have just missed there and I am only like 3km away from it.

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:21 pm
by Harley34
That band of rain about to hit is good for 20 mm i reckon..

Sky growing darker by the minute. Wouldn't mind to see a few CC's in this band, perhaps an isolated storm in the mix.

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:21 pm
by stormygirl
Karl Lijnders wrote:Sitting on 111mm for event here ...
An amazing total, Karl. I seemed to have generally missed out on a lot of the action. I only had a passing shower from the storm at about 3pm yesterday, and it intensified east of me, and then missed out pretty much completely from the northern storm a little later (only had anvil spits). No thunder/lightning what-so-ever (that I have been aware of, and I have been 'listening'!). 43.5mm all up so far since 24th. Not's a great fall, but just seemed to have mostly missed out.

Got completely drenched today at the school election BBQ...but enjoyed every minute of it as I wasn't cold at all! :D

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:23 pm
by jmw2207
16mm now 91mm for event :-o

Re: Victoria: Rain/Storm Event (Obs) November 22-28 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:33 pm
by Petros
Up to 5.5mm today and 11mm for the event. Light rain hasnt stopped since it started at 4:30pm and can now see that the scuddy bits below a featureless sky are coming in from the E.