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Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:14 am
by Rhino
Certainly looking like an interesting afternoon ahead, especially nth of the ranges, with that band moving WSW and alot of showers and the odd storm now developing sth of the ranges moving NNW. Some good totals today and it's not moving fast so good to see BOM has flash flooding as the main issue. Bendigo will be in the sweet spot for some time it looks. :)

Rhino. :) :)

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:24 am
by stratospear
Almost seems like an upper low has formed just to our NE. Clouds and storms are coming from SSE, yet near Shepparton they're moving in from the North. Weird.

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:32 am
by Rhino
Certainly a different looking radar Strato, getting real gloomy here, and that stuff around Donald is moving S by the looks, anyway here's to a nice wet arvo. :D

Rhino. :) :)

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:39 am
by HarleyB
Around 2mm here this morning from the showers and storms. Might get some more later this afternoon, I wasnt expecting all this this morning

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:58 am
by Rhino
A few planes diverting around weather here, taking routes they normaly don't take and especially avoiding around Bendigo area. Watch here if you are into that thing, like me. :D alot quicker with Google Chrome browser.

Geez that area around Rochester and Elmore must be drenched now, rains been sitting there for hours.

Rhino. :) :)

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:17 pm
by Tornado
Rhino wrote:A few planes diverting around weather here, taking routes they normaly don't take and especially avoiding around Bendigo area. Watch here if you are into that thing, like me. :D alot quicker with Google Chrome browser.

Geez that area around Rochester and Elmore must be drenched now, rains been sitting there for hours.

Rhino. :) :)
I've never seen that website.

Really interesting!

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:48 pm
by stratospear
Rain is setting in for the afternoon, and probably for much of this week... It's not heavy rain, but there is the occasional rumble of thunder embedded within the greyness.

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:04 pm
by daviescr
Rhino wrote:A few planes diverting around weather here, taking routes they normaly don't take and especially avoiding around Bendigo area. Watch here if you are into that thing, like me. :D alot quicker with Google Chrome browser.

Geez that area around Rochester and Elmore must be drenched now, rains been sitting there for hours.

Rhino. :) :)
Wow, thanks Rhino - that is a brilliant website. I think I'll post it in a new thread somewhere on the forum...


Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:08 pm
by Rhino
Posted it in the links thread the other day Chris. Certainly a good site and being live and overlayed with Google maps is pretty addictive. Glad you like it. :D

Rhino. :) :)

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:20 pm
by mad*moo73
That website is so cool - a good one to track the flights of family & friends.

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:26 pm
by Anthony Violi
I thought i was the only idiot on here who like that sort of stuff..i have a few apps on my phone showing the same thing, and take the kids to the airport on Northerly wind days and sit at the bottom of the runway and watch them come over 40 metres off the ground. Actually i think i enjoy it more than them.

I cant work out why the forecast is still not upgrading, its going to have to. As my thread title suggests, this is going to be a widespread and heavy rain event. I think tomorrow will see rain across all of Vic, and Tuesday as well. If we get any clearance there will be heavy thunderstorms but at this stage its too humid through the mids so expecting decent rain. Then later in the week when the upper low gets kicking i expect an enormous increase as GFS suggests. Will be tapping into monsoonal moisture.

So tonight, EC, The BOM and Norwegian will all upgrade, simply because its already wrong owing to the heavy rain areas north of the divide.

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:34 pm
by Rhino
Yep Anthony, been there done that many times, when I'm down that way that is and with my sister living in Dubai she knows I'm always up for an airport run to drop off or pick up. I'm sure there's a few closet planespotters out there. :laughing:
Think I might be out of luck here until much later today if I am to get anything, does'nt look overly exciting at the moment anyway.

Rhino. :) :)

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:40 pm
by David
3 Day ACCESS forecasting huge falls (over 100mm in 24 hours)for the Northern Country around the Bendigo and north in the 24 hours till 10am EDT Wednesday. I was up in Bendigo last weekend staying with family and noticed that many farm dams were full so if this comes of it won't just be the creeks and rivers that they have to worry about.

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:42 pm
by Anthony Violi
Raining here lightly...

I think NE Vic is about to light up going by the progs and the visual Sat, just a question of trigger. Rutherglen at 32/15 is about the average through that area, so if the trough is close enough could erupt shortly..

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:48 pm
by tizza
It's been quite a while for me since I've seen a rain band coming in from the NE/ENE, I've seen a few storms do it but not a rain band that I can remember in quite some years. Then again my memory is slipping as I get older, lol. It's quite a mild 23c here with a very light southerly.

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:49 pm
by Lily
Is that a small cell starting up near Maryborough?

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:55 pm
by HarleyB
Lily wrote:Is that a small cell starting up near Maryborough?
Indeed Lily, here we go! As AV just mentioned, the NE is starting to kick off! Still full cloud here as it has been all day, 21°C currently.

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:59 pm
by Anthony Violi
Gee im hot today! Only typed it 20 minutes they are kicking off, but what is surprising is there are some cells kicking off through Central as well.

Looks like it could get interesting during the night as the next trough approaches from our NE..

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:00 pm
by droughtbreaker
Thick cloud has not budged here all day. 15.5C at the moment, and the maximum of 16.7C was just after midnight and 9 and a half hours before the minimum. :roll:

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:07 pm
by Anthony Violi
Can now see clearance to the NE, there are mid level towers everywhere. Still raining lightly here, could even get some sun out in a couple of hours..