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Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:35 pm
by Karl Lijnders
Incredible shots guys!! Congratulations Robyn!! Stunning effort!!

Well not by chance it all came together in the end with quite a big bang. Wonderfully captured!

Cousin lost a pergola due to hail in Hampton Park so there was definitely a narrow damage path of very large hail.

Finished with 40mm overnight from the rainband and about 70mm for the week. Very wet and soggy out there!

Watch out for more action Sunday.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:00 pm
by apocalypse
Amazing photo of the HP beast near Urana. Thanks to Troy Barrett for his excellent work chasing it and for taking the picture. :)


Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:06 pm
by apocalypse
Wow! Great effort guys!! Definitely one of the better looking storm outbreaks for a while. :)

Robyn, that first one is incredible!! Nice lowerings in that last one too.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:04 pm
by Meso
Lol, Mike called it a Mothership! :D

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:08 pm
by Meso
AUS_Twisted » Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:21 pm wrote:
AUS_Twisted wrote:Thats still a nice shot Meso, daytime CG's that stand out like that look really good!

There's a lot of awesome pics in here, the pano is fantastic Robyn!

Seems like photoshop is not agreeing to do my pano's properly, I find it does this when there's no solid or hard edge objects for it to align things up, gonna need to do a lot of manual work
Cheers. I was struggling to get any handheld shots due to it being so dark, so I thought I'd try sticking the camera on the GorillaPod on the car door and use the extra shutter time to my advantage and try catch a strike, seeing as there were so many raining down. Worked out ok, just wish I had of pulled up at a better spot, a tree or something in the frame would have been nice.

Have you tried using "Perspective" or "Cylindrical" as the layout type when stitching in Photoshop? I was having problems the other day and that fixed mine.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:04 pm
by mick
Buggerit I missed the 10 news buts congrats and congrats to all who posted pics, it was a great event with little damage reported.

In this instance, we have to take our hats off to the BOM, they called it early and accurately. I think their timeframe for the posting of official warnings needs a tweak, maybe an early warning or watch category needs to be created as something that can stay all day until its upgraded to more recent status.The radio did a great job broadcasting interviews with BOMERS all day so overall credit where it is due.

Great job BOM.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:37 pm
by brayden
mick » Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:04 pm wrote:
mick wrote:
In this instance, we have to take our hats off to the BOM, they called it early and accurately. I think their timeframe for the posting of official warnings needs a tweak, maybe an early warning or watch category needs to be created as something that can stay all day until its upgraded to more recent status.The radio did a great job broadcasting interviews with BOMERS all day so overall credit where it is due.

Great job BOM.
On behalf of BOM, thanks Mick ;) I'm in Carnarvon atm for work, though it was sky clear observing conditions yestie. Would have been hectic for the observer at melb. airport! When the storms that went through Perth 22 March 2010, the observer put "holy cow" in the remarks section on some of the speci reports :laughing:

From WAWG forum
EOS wrote:A friend of mine that lives in Wodonga sent me this photo:


Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:26 pm
by crikey
WOW. what an amazing event and reports thanks to all.
Gee rivergirl. that snap of mothership over the NAB and ANZ buildings. Couldn't help thinking a little prophetic re: curent world economy.LOL :?
Loved the pink lightning picture MESO.
Had to travel to castlemaine today and saw the carnage from strong gust front. Dunolly was bad but Newstead took the cake!
One section near the primary school across the road looked like someone had gone over the tops of the tall pine trees with a chain saw.Branches The whole lot just sheared away. One superlarge tree uprooted and just fallijng short of a house.
On the trip to Castlemaine, literally hundreds of trees with broken limbs or uprooted
Bealiba just 10km from us reported on ABC radio a tornado that imploded glass and made a destructive path through the woods for 12 km.
Some house sustained substantial roof damage. Not much rain here just 12mm on the Wednesday. 32mm for the event.
Thanks to all who contributed. Great reading. Appreciate the radar pics etc posted as during storm have to go offline so good to catch up and check out what happened afterward. Thanks again.
Anyway really excited . Took my first video from my 'elcheepo' mobile and learnt how to use youtube.
Got some footage of cloud pre-guster at 7m ( tornado only 10km away in Bealiba)!
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The sky was reasonably clear before this approaching front
Before l snapped pic of that cloud the wind became quiet and felt eerie and started going in the opposite direction ( easterly)as though being sucked into approaching front.
After we saw this cloud front. We heard the signature approaching train sound and decided to bunker in the house.
Sudden Destructive westerly winds. Didn't think to video them..( typical beginner)
The young gum trees were blowing parallel to the ground.
Just reminded me of a wind tsunami if there is such a thing
Winds lasted about 10 mins
Yeah agree BOM and ABC and SES great warnings out before this system arrived and thumbs up to BSCH re :forecast for severe storms. Spot on for our area.!!

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:31 pm
by typhoon29
I was inMelb @ Swinborne Unin yesteray. Came home on train from melb @ 5pm awesome storm cells sighted on the way home. Got home to Wendouree @ 7pm yesterday to awesome storms exploring overhead. headed from 7:20pm to Hamilton leaving the rain and stroms behind. Hamilton saw nothing! Was in Hamilton for my other half's grandfather's funeral. Been a fine day. here in Ballarat the last 2 days 28mm.....

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:47 pm
by droughtbreaker
Didn't get a chance to post last night as the power was out all night.

19.7mm here all up with 10mm of that falling in about 5 minutes and the most fierce squalls I have ever seen here in my life. Quite a few small branches came down around the place but it was amazing there wasn't more carnage. It looks like the model consensus got it right with the 20-40mm for central areas (ended up about 10-50mm) and 50mm through the NE and a bit higher than that on the NE ranges. BOM was off the mark again with the 50-100mm forecast it had for up here. We didn't really see widespread heavy rain areas over the western half of the state, just the severe squall line and then some steady light rain off and on for the rest of the night.

BTW: Melbourne is going to see one of the warmer November's on record if we don't see any decent southerly changes by the end of the month. The outlook at the moment looks more like a December outlook than early/mid November.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:20 pm
by Rivergirl
Thanks guys :) Yes Meso I told Mike Larkin to call it a mothership and you can take credit for that :) Meant to say that I loved your pink lightning shot too. I just realised who you were on redbubble.

Crikey I thought the same thing about the black cloud. Great you can take videos now, it's fun. Troy Barrett's photo is wonderful apocalypse

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:58 pm
by Meso
Interesting article on the HS website about the Bellbridge storm...
Weather bureau spokeswoman Andrea Pearce said the bureau’s Doppler radar picked up a cyclone briefly travelling through the area.

The observation is really what we call a strong mesoscyclone which is what we’d get with a tornado,” she said.

“Certainly the damage is what you’d expect to see with the passage of a tornado.”
Some great comments from the bureau about what most likely happened, but equally as frustrating that the HS feel the need to call it a cyclone in the very sentence before. Do some friggen research :x Actually, you don't even need to...they are telling you it was most likely a tornado, not a cyclone!!

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Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:14 pm
by stormygirl
crikey » Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:26 pm wrote:
crikey wrote:Just reminded me of a wind tsunami if there is such a thing
Please, please don't use that term anywhere near the media! It's sure to become the next 'mini tornado'!! :roffl: ;) ;)

Excellent photos everyone! I'm about as green with envy as some of the clouds. Would have loved to have gone out photographing, but timing and a couple of other issues prevented me. One day it will happen again! My new camera is still a storm virgin..... :(

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:39 pm
by nafets
Awesome photo's!!! i must say i haven't missed out in terms of storms, the last 3 days has been awesome! Last night a long lasting severe thunderstorm passed through the area (eastern sicily), i no it was severe becasue the next town down had golf ball sized hail!! Also the frequency of the lighting was great; every few seconds. Might post a youtube vid! Might go outside now and have a look at the sky, can hear some rumbles (not from a plane but im at a US navy basee!!!)

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:41 pm
by daviescr
This is the business:

A friend set up a timelapse from his home in Port Melbourne -Wednesday 9th November
Courtesy of Tristan Clements

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:43 pm
by Jake Smethurst
Thats an awesome as timelapse!! :D Good on your mate!

Hope your having a good time Nafets.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:54 pm
A couple of photos from yesterday's chase..more to come tomorrow (or check out Clyve's Facebook)


Clyve H

Skipton storm and the Trentham Stormchasers case vehicle
091111ch01.jpg (54.92 KiB) Viewed 8448 times
During suspected tornadic phase (E of the Grampians). BoM indicated radar returns of hailstone size up to 8cm!
091111ch02.jpg (54.15 KiB) Viewed 8448 times

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:24 am
by rogeressig
my short vid of the storms as they came over the bay, it has a timelapse and a few photos, etc ..


Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:44 am
by Hamlan
Just a selection from 100's of pics of this monster near Urana on Wednesday:










Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:34 am
by nafets
WWOOWW!! Those pictures and vids were amazing!!! Good job!! Yeah Jake i'm having a great time! :)