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Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:15 pm
by Geoff
Blimey, we've got power back on already, wasn't expecting that with all the carnage around the area!
Rain is intensifying quite markedly, heavy and continuous here, looking at another good result tonight. :D

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:30 pm
by Rivergirl
Still no power in Ferny Creek but heavy rain like Geoff

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:41 pm
by stevco123
My davis ws is saying 17mm so far. Manual one says only 8 roughly.second time it's happened in a week.

Time to calibrate i think.

Steady moderate rain however here.

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:45 pm
by Onetahuti
stevco123 » Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:41 pm wrote:
stevco123 wrote:My davis ws is saying 17mm so far. Manual one says only 8 roughly.second time it's happened in a week.

Time to calibrate i think.

Steady moderate rain however here.
Just come inside from reading my Nylex, have 10.5 mm but some could be from previous rain as I do not remember emptying it for sure so your manual gauge could well be correct

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 11:02 pm
by stevco123
Thanks onetahuti for the confirmation.

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:18 am
by droughtbreaker
Check out the disparity between the Yarrawonga and Laverton Doppler radars atm in the areas where they overlap. The latter seems to be 'turned up to 11'. Admittedly I am no expert on these sort of things but it seems pretty obvious to me that the Melbourne radar has been consistently over doing things lately, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if this was somehow a factor or at least related to all the radar clutter and interference we have been seeing recently.

The radar in the last couple of weeks has been close to useless for anyone wanting to know rainfall presence and intensity for a given location.

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:41 am
by occluded
wolfcat » Sat Feb 28, 2015 9:04 pm wrote:
wolfcat wrote:Just a few trees down as that change moved in...
Fairly quiet in Doncaster/Templestowe with only six calls for storm jobs, one to a partial gum on a roof, no damage. Couple of trees on road but many many more elsewhere in the east and south-east

We got some wind here but have seen much stronger in the past year. 17.5mm of rain in the end so did ok.

Welcome to (meteorological) Autumn.

EDIT: Agreed on the radar, has definitely appeared to be overestimating last few events. Rain was reasonably heavy a few times but not as much as the radar implied.

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:01 am
by hillybilly
Very welcome ~30mm of rain here. Will wait to light to check the manual, with the AWS showing about 29mm. Good solid rain rate for about four hours, with a few heavier bursts. Best fall in two weeks and one day :P
Still no power in Ferny Creek but heavy rain like Geoff
Our power stayed up (though looks like a surge has taken out the nearly new microwave :( ) . Across the road was black and our lights where flickering and the telstra generators switched on (they are huge backup generators for the Dunns Hill towers). So glad those winds only lasted for about five to ten minutes. Watching 60m+ trees swing widely in the garden is unnerving.

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:45 am
by Gordon
Ended up with a welcome 12 mm here. Front and back yards are a mess with branches and bark everywhere, but fortunately no trees down. Time to inspect the paddocks; fingers crossed...

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:51 am
by Rivergirl
Sorry to hear about the surge hillybilly. We got power back about 4am

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:10 am
by Geoff
23mm here, a bit less than some local spots but very welcome nonetheless. Was woken at 3.15am by my daughter messaging me from Denmark, and it was raining steadily then for the next hour. Just spent an hour picking up branches and twigs all over the show, but it was nice in the cooler fresher air and sunshine. :D

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 2:25 pm
by Australis(Shell3155)
21.5 in our gauge.
wrecked a good nights sleep.
very welcome rain ground still wet..

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 3:07 pm
by Rhino
Damn good storm up here last night, trees, powerlines down and just got the internet working again. All that was missing was the rain, got 2.5mm but haven't seen wind like that around this for many years. The buildup to it was something I never seen before, took the 2 boys up to a local hill to watch it come in and had a little lightning and a nice rollcloud but the real noticeable feature was a cloud in front of the storm at ground level that I actually thought was smoke, but was obviously dust and associated crap, but really had a dirty smoke look to it. Got home and as soon as I got out of the car you could hear a roar progressively getting closer, then you started to see that "black smoke" but the roar was like a train on it's tracks getting closer and very different from that sound you get from heavy rain or hail or even a gusty wind. I knew this wasn't going to be a normal storm outflow and after telling the wife to come out for a look and after being amazed by the sound it hit I promptly told her to get her and the kids inside with me standing in close proximity of the back door but I wasn't going inside for this lol, I wanted to feel this baby... :D :D. I could hardly see anything though with the amount of dust and crap flying around so should have put the sunnies on and I was sure we were going to lose something but thankfully nothing and not a lot of damage around the area from the looks, apart from powerlines and a couple of fences I could see, but you know where to come if you want firewood.. ;) All in all was a pretty freaky storm and won't forget that roar for a long time.

Rhino. :) :)

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:03 pm
by Rivergirl
Love your descriptive post Rhino :)

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:11 pm
by hillybilly
Sorry to hear about the surge hillybilly. We got power back about 4am
Ok in the end. Turns out our voltage was running around 170 volts here even though we didn't black out. Anything with an engine or heating element was struggling. Back up to 240 volts now. Wierd... Guess a transformer issue.

Nice day after the storm.. Fitting for the first of autumn..

Re: Hot Start then Much Cooler Spell Feb. 28.....

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:32 pm
by Rhino
Was a good one Robyn, and really dissapointed that I didn't get video of that sound, if for nothing but prosperity but that's hindsight for you :x. Was talking to a few people this arvo and they also thought that the "dust front" ahead of the storm was from bushfire smoke caused by the lightning. Was really amazing and just shows how helpless we are when mother nature decides to put on a show.... :) :)

Rhino. :) :)