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Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:33 am
by Jake Smethurst
In saying that, I have just updated the chart. ... mchart.htm.

Currently here it is 23 degrees with a DP of 17 degrees and light WNW winds.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:05 pm
by HarleyB
Don't think we will be seeing anything here at least today. Should get 30mm later on in the week though.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:36 pm
by droughtbreaker
Well, it's cloudy here today with 8/8 cover in the mid layers and really not the sort of day you associate with storms developing. It has been humid all day today and the clear skies that I was expecting until mid afternoon have not eventuated.

If anything it will be more light rain here and maybe a few embedded heavier showers. It looks to me like we could be in for another humid and cloudy summer now that the La Nina influence is just starting to become apparent with increasing moisture levels over the continent.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:47 pm
by TheFishmanAU
Here is hoping for something today as it has been epic fail with storms lately. They are everywhere else but here. :P I saw one flash of lightning Friday 28th October. 28th September was the last storm of note but nothing like the epic one of 2 December 2010 or the ones of yesteryear

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:50 pm
by Meso
It's a bit clearer back towards the border, so you never know. Something might get up.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:08 pm
by apocalypse
I guess the cooler air aloft is coming in handy, even though the surface is quite dry (currently 32.5/7.8), the higher temps are enough to produce convection. Small cells popping up now to the W and NW and are lightning active.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:17 pm
by Anthony Violi
Nice cap on things atm, with very warm air sitting just above the surface. Will hopefully push East a bit, and the new airmass move in. Looks like most action will be mid level, nothing on the surface yet behind this band, though with clearance you never know.

Front entering the state this arvo may be enough to trigger some action tonight and overnight. Strangely enough cloud developing behind the front..

Edit: Actually a fair bit of stuff developing in the Western part of Vic ahead of the front as well, so this area north of Mt Gambier to Dunkeld could get going this arvo, but marginal atm.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:27 pm
by johnno
Plenty on the surface in North Eastern Vic at the moment exploding up there in clearer air

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:47 pm
by Alexia
I can hear thunder.32c

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:52 pm
by WaterBaby
20c /16dp here.... Hoping like crazy that we'll get something, but we usually miss out.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:08 pm
by HarleyB
Big line of storms forming in the NE, lucky them. I still don't think we will see anything here today

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:14 pm
by Dane
All the action is in the far NE of the state and over the border in NSW, Lokks like it may stay that way as well.
Certainly not expecting any thunder here, just a few spots of rain and currently 25/14.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:44 pm
by Petethemoskeet
Very warm to hot day and muggy up here,with storms exploding everywhere.Had 2 good cells over us already.Been a while since we've had some good storms.Radar is looking good for the next few hours so rainfall totals should get a good kick along.Has been very dry lately so this rain is welcome.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:38 pm
by James
well thats it then.......I'll see what the other days bring but its been dissapointing so far here the last month or so storm wise.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:01 pm
by Meso
Yeah, another dud day for most of Vic. The NE was always progged to be the most unstable tho, plus they had clear air up there prior to storms kicking off and the trough lining up well to act as a trigger. I would say our problem was the front that was supposed to trigger storms from the west was probably too far south to do any real damage, plus the terrible overcast skies which have kept a lid on things.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:31 pm
by TheFishmanAU
Yet again, another weather fail. My theory of a storm force field gathers momentum. :P

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:56 pm
by I_Love_Storms
Today never looked that good. Tuesday and Wednesday should deliver, keenly awaiting some warm, humid, wet weather with scattered storms, on those days I'm expecting it won't be if but when. Instability looking great.

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:01 pm
by James
lol i was under the impression from reading on here that today was the best out of them...i guess it comes down to, it will do that it will do...

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:02 pm
by Dc449
So thats it for the day? Looking forward to Tues and Wed now then!

Re: Victoria: Trough - showers/rain/storms - 6th-10th Novemb

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:23 pm
by Meso
James ยป Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:01 pm wrote:
James wrote:lol i was under the impression from reading on here that today was the best out of them...i guess it comes down to, it will do that it will do...
That's why you shouldn't take anyone's word on here as gospel. And if you go back over the thread I'm sure you'll find plenty of mentions of the NE being in the firing line for today. If you really wanna get a better idea of whats going to happen try learning to read the models and everything else involved's not easy.

Anyway, on to Wednesday...should be great if you enjoy the sound of thunder and rain, but can't see it being one to get the camera out for. I'm over La Nina already, the novelty of it made it interesting last year. But, these cloudy, humid days get old pretty quickly.