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Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:03 am
by Geoff
Barely more than a drop here, auto raingauge says 2.1mm, the Nylex will say a bit more but not much. Just the most frustrating event I think I've ever seen, it was all right there, staring at us in the face, refusing to come over us for hours. Great lightning and thunder event, but we really wanted a good soaking, perhaps today? Next week still looking very promising.

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:23 am
by Skywalker
A few rumbles of thunder, some impressive lightning & thats about all for my area. Just like a few others I was lucky to get 1mm if that. I was stressing over nothing riding home last night.

It's been almost 14 months (over a year) since our last decent storm around here (December 25 2011). It's so frustrating, especially when you see Sunbury up the road get smashed. :cussing:

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:26 am
by rikjpool
Some hail from down at Murphy's creek, West of tarnagulla. Yesterday evening.


Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:28 am
by phunkster
Morning all, great to finally get under a storm and great to see others get under some too! After missing the first lot that passed through the NE suburbs, we ended up pulling to the side of the road between Bulla and Diggers rest with a decent view to the NW, only for a deluge to hit 20 minutes later. Managed to get a few shots before having to bolt...






Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:45 am
by I_Love_Storms
Kicking off again out Warburton way - looks like starting earlier today

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:09 am
by HarleyB
15mm here!! :D

After doing it's best to miss us, we finally got a direct hit at around 11:30pm, and boy did it come down. Takes our monthy total to 15.7mm which is also our YTD total. Hopefully we can build from this and get back to normal rainfall, it's been too far dry of late :|

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:54 am
by penash
Right under the storm last night with 37.5mm (manual gauge), was a dangerous drive about 7pm last night through Warrandyte with up to a foot of water in places. Great not to have to water for a few days.

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:54 am
by Rivergirl
Yes like hillybilly said it's always hard to get photos of lightning here because of all the trees around. Great some people got some good falls. Sounds like it was a dud over at the bay Mick. Our holiday home at Mt Martha could really do with a drink. Wonderful photos Rikki and phunkster :)

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:03 am
by Cass
Last night could see the storms around us, reading the forums looks like most got some rain but not a drop where I
am. Just out of Bendigo. Did see what I would say was a mini tornado. Was more than a willy willy. And me without a camera :( Dont see any rain coming our way soon.

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:04 am
by Rhino
Nice hailstones in that photo Rikki, was watching that storm develop just to my nth and was willing it to come this way, but glad it didn't. The structure on the western side of the storm complex was amazing and with the setting sun shining on it was an awesome sight :) . Got a few shots so will try to upload later. Don't know about today, GFS has the majority of instability around the coast in the west and with nth steering winds will be a bugger to chase unless you have a boat :). Hopeful of a shower later, every bit helps at the moment.

Rhino. :) :)

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:12 am
by Rivergirl
Cass, sorry to say you'll never get a pic of a "mini tornado" ;) Sorry to hear you didn't get any rain.

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:26 pm
by tre75
Feels quite humid out today, those storms around Melbourne's north and surrounds were amazing to watch develop, all we had down this way was humidity, clouds, a sunset, and you guessed it - more humidity. Not really expecting too much from today just isolated storm or so in the arvo, down this way in Geelong it would have to be a miracle after watching everything disintegrate as it reached central suburbs or Melbourne.

I will say that it is pretty common at this time of year for storm's too sit north of us along the dividing range, occasionally given the right setup with a front/trough trigger then we get some around here, storm's are great but yea how about just some rain :?

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:33 pm
by I_Love_Storms
Same convection going up around N and NW again! LOL

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:10 pm
by Rhino
Yeah know Murphys law dictates where storms hit so if melbourne are'nt suppose to get much today you just know what will won't get much :-P :).

Rhino. :) :)

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 3:33 pm
by Skywalker
Well looks like this event is yet another rain fizzer for my area. Not a thing on the radar. :(

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 3:38 pm
by I_Love_Storms
Wow here we go Friday afternoon present from GFS


Monday-Wednesday next week look great for storms

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:18 pm
by Wilko
Excellent..great news
Cloud seems to be steaming down
See: ... art=&stop=" onclick=";return false;

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:21 pm
by Rhys_34
I moved from Melbourne to inland Canterbury NZ 3 weeks ago and boy I am glad I have missed this extended heat spell in Melbourne! Is it getting close to a record for most number of days above 30C in a month? We had 2C here a few nights ago and a top of 14C today, felt like a winters day in Melbourne, remarkable for February!!

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:28 pm
by DarkEye
Had a small storm down here last night, was very refreshing to hear the sound of the rain on the roof (and trust me, its sorely needed, can't believe how brown its looking out there) but could've done without the thunder and lightning.

Hopefully this weather pattern will end soon, really want to see some more days like Tuesday seeing that we are heading towards Autumn.

Re: Extended warm spell and becoming humid - Feb 6 to 24

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 6:20 pm
by droughtbreaker
The drought in some parts of New Zealand has been even worse than it is here. They've even had a few problems with bushfires this summer from what I've heard. Over towards the west coast of the South Island, a place could Wanaka (funny name I know), has a forecast very similar to Melbourne's for temps over the next 8 days, 25C, 26C, 28C, 30C, 31C, 30C, 29C, 28C. Pretty impressive for a place at 44 degrees latitude that averages just under 24C for Feb maximums. It's all linked to the same pattern that is causing our heat and dry, i.e. stubborn upper high ridge.

Anyway, excited about 1mm from all that last night. :roll: I count that as a very big miss for here as almost everywhere around me here got between 10mm and 20mm and 38mm in Sunbury, plus there was almost constant lightning thunder and black sky to the near west for several hours last night. I almost forgot how frustrating storms can be.

We've only picked up one storm from the entire sequence of storm days here. Luckily we got just under 17mm from that one. We would still be very, very dry if we hadn't.

No end in sight to the heatwave according to the models although instability really steps up next Monday-Wednesday and there absolutely should be widespread storms tending to rain at night. If we miss out on that then everyone has the right to go nuts, lol. I bet that a lot us still do though. :-x