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Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:11 pm
by Twister
All over Here :hissy: :grumpy: :grumpy: :greencon:

Total only 9mm
Thats it here, :(

Strong and gusty Sw winds blowing through now and after having weather come from the E all day there is now a big rain band just to my east but now moving away with the trough. |:/

Only 1mm today, no heavy rain, no rain areas, no severe thunderstorms, all that didn't occur across much of the Mallee to, though Swan hill has done well today with more to come for them lucky them
Storms along the Murray look great and will build more to the north and east and fill to rain areas and move south so enjoy that all central and E Vic

Event all over here Dp has dropped a lot cooler and Gusty S SW winds

Event total 9mm which is still ok this time of year but was really looking a 15-20mm last night but no real rain band formed which is the reason for all the scattered falls apart from the SW that got a rain band and everyone having 20-40mm widespread.

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:14 pm
by Lily
Oh Twister, that's rotten luck :cry: I've so enjoyed reading your posts the last few days, I'm really sorry you missed out.

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:14 pm
by Petros
adon wrote:Gone back to very light rain here. Wind picking up though and looking better to the NNE. Geez I wish this this would come in and hammer down. Sick of the suspence!
Adon - how can a "i'll believe when I see it" bloke like yourself ever suffer from pre-rain tension!!!! ;) ;) ;) ;)

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:15 pm
by mick
Agreed, never seen the map like that before.

Be a good thing to unplug everything that counts before going to bed tonight.

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:16 pm
by I_Love_Storms
Don't worry Twister you will have your day ;) Might not be too far away either going by some of the things forecast for the coming 10 days.

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:18 pm
by apocalypse
EC has upgraded the forecast to 52mm for tomorrow which is excellent news, as I haven't been expecting much. Still have had 0.6mm for the year, so any rain will be a welcome.

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:23 pm
by I_Love_Storms
There will be a STW issued for Central areas soon. Cells up in NE becoming more lightning active and heading our way.

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:31 pm
by Petros
Lifetime experience 30 min away for Petros!!! :shock:

After getting a light storm here comming in from the NE this arvo (never happens) - with the sky seemingly inching along in from the NE (you've got to stand still and watch for some time to pick up cloud direction) - a BIGGIE looks to be brewing and creeping in this way.

I have never seen a storm come from the NE here before (I'm 50 and got the beerpot to prove it) - out that way the sky has turned deep blue and scud cloud like (my) hairy eyebrows are seemingly sitting metres above the treeline out there. :lighting: :lighting: :lighting:

Making sure the whole family watches this one - an unusual weather event (if it arrives). No distant lightning or thunder yet - havent tried the AM radio but will in a moment. :cheers2:

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:41 pm
by Jake Smethurst
Hey Petros! :)

Just letting you know that that chart is no record mate. I have seen it several times before all RED. Quite amazing, and have seen the BoM write about supercell storms and tornadic storm potential as well. So it's a fair way off a record.

And here is the latest updated version of the thunderstorm chart for everyone from the BoM.

Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology
Victoria Regional Office

Issued at 4:24 pm Thursday, 4 February 2010,
Valid until midnight on Thursday, 4 February 2010.

An active area of severe thunderstorms lies near Albury-Wodonga. Local embedded thunderstorms may still occur in areas outside the severe likely zone but they are only expected to result in heavy rainfall and this is covered by a separate severe weather warning.

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:45 pm
by I_Love_Storms
There is a heap of clear slots around...wonder if this was predicted, certainly going off the forecasts I expected to have near non-stop rain from midday onwards...interesting BOM only have chance of thunderstorms and not even likely in central areas now as well.

Still think we will see a fair bit over night but I guess my patience is being tested.

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:46 pm
by James
nothing exciting here today just some light rain and very humid

i am waiting patiently for this thunderstorm acticivty everyones been talking about for here for weeks

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:48 pm
by mick
Ch 7 news update just showed some menacing low black bands in the background. Didnt even have to get of my butt to see em!

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:51 pm
by tizza
Light rain has finally begun, 23/20 no wind, "very close", as the older ladies of yesteryear liked to say. I have to get up at 4AM. No fair!! Still not looking to good at this point in time for the inner city, it seems to be going either side of me. As soon as I go to bed it will bucket down. I can't wait to see the totals in the morning. Nite everyone.

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:53 pm
by I_Love_Storms
tizza wrote:Light rain has finally begun, 23/20 no wind, "very close", as the older ladies of yesteryear liked to say. I have to get up at 4AM. No fair!! Still not looking to good at this point in time for the inner city, it seems to be going either side of me. As soon as I go to bed it will bucket down. I can't wait to see the totals in the morning. Nite everyone.

You might get the best of it if BOM have their way "heavy rain" tomorrow morning.

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:54 pm
by droughtbreaker
Only isolated embedded thunderstorms overnight for central and southern parts. Not sure what they were on about with the initial thunderstorm forecast unless they thought daytime heating would spark off something given how humid it is.

My patience is being tested too, this is very typical of the way these messy tropical systems evolve down here, and that is very slowly and with lots of clear slots. Wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see anything major until around 2am or thereabouts with the heaviest stuff in the morning from about 6am-9am. Just seems to be the way this one is developing. It will be a pity because most of us will sleep through the whole thing probably.

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:01 pm
by droughtbreaker
Some activity starting up in inland central finally, Hopefully it keeps going and developing and isn't a false start.

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:02 pm
by I_Love_Storms
droughtbreaker wrote:Some activity starting up in inland central finally, Hopefully it keeps going and developing and isn't a false start.
Yeah the trough is doing its thing, should only get better from here.

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:06 pm
by Petros
Pathetic photos, but this is to our NE and NNE...... muffled thunder frequent now.



Still calm 27C 64%RH and waiting... this time armed with a beer just in case!!!! :cheers: :hangloose:

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:13 pm
by dagget
Still watching and waiting here, hopefully something will come our way with this lot...... :?

Re: Victoria- Ex TC Olga's remnants - Rain - 3rd to 6th Feb 2010

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:13 pm
by Pengaz
Stagnant weather here at the moment-hoping for some leftovers from Petros' monster if it eventuates. This NE/SW trajectory really is something that we dont see a lot of out here, and usually heralds a big dump on the way (Ive only really seen this sort of scenario in the leadup to full blown ECL's).

We've had distant thunder to the N and E and W and S here in the past hour, but none over us. How ironic. :talkhand: .

Watching the cloud development outside though has been superb-I dont think ive ever remembered being so moist, warm and active. I hope it delivers. :hangloose:

And so does this guy :banana: .

Let us know how you score over their in Maf town Petros! :jumpingmany: