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Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:24 am
by schitzengiggles
The storm is moving SSE at 54Km/h and is Weakening
Slightly. ETA 3hrs.

It's done for the night folks. Tata.

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:34 am
by Australis(Shell3155)
Its going to be a good rerun of the radar when this all settles down..
I dont think its as humid here as some are mentioning.

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:35 am
by weathergasm
schitzengiggles, I think your name accurately describes the nature of the software you're using. That is unless it has any forecasting capabilities whatsoever beyond looking at the last few radar scans and making an assumption from that basis alone... I can do that!

That said it may very well be right. May not be too.;)

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:36 am
by James
just went out and had another snail/slug stomp....cant believe how many are out there at the moment and how fast they can move!!

some of the slugs were massive...the size of dog poo's and i resorted to stabbing them as squishing was just too much mess on your shoes!!

no wonder all my vegies have been so devastated by the next day...!!

very warm out still and some drops of rain falling

btw there is more lightning out there than the tracker is showing, plenty of close static on the radio at times

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:42 am
by wolfcat
went down to brighton beach car park, could cc's every 15 seconds or so, but to far away to get a decent photo.

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:43 am
by schitzengiggles
Tracker doesn't capture CCs.

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:45 am
by wolfcat
yes, I know.

ah well, was hoping they would be a bit more photogenic...

to tired now...

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:33 am
by adon
Well still getting solid rain here and the odd rumble. Still has not been the smashing storm I was expecting. We still have the big one to the NW but it too looks to be dying off so I reckon we will just have the good ol thundery rain up here tonight. Tomorrow might be a different story.... :-o

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:59 am
by adon
Hmmm plant tripped again... :x oh well worst thing tonight is that I really can't go watch this stuff as i can't leave the control room and it's not built for viewing! Lightining picking up again here. Some huge booms and rumbles.

Edit: electical activity has REALLY picked up just around the plant now..... geez I hope this room is lightning proofed!

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:25 am
by I_Love_Storms
Those bloody cicadas are going crazy! BTW, both EC and GFS have pretty much ruled out big rains for most of Central. Obviously there is still going to be/has been massive rains in other areas though. Funny that the media have really hyped this one up for the city - it will actually be funny if we don't get that much in the CBD.

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:06 am
by Blackee
Severe Weather Warning
for flash flooding
for people in the South West, North Central, Northern Country, Wimmera, Mallee, Central and North East forecast districts
Issued at 4:56 am EDT on Wednesday 8 December 2010.

Weather Situation
A low pressure trough just west of Victoria will reach western Victoria on Wednesday morning then extend to central regions late in the day and to the east by Thursday morning.

Heavy rain and thunderstorms which may lead to flash flooding are forecast for the South West, North Central, Northern Country, Wimmera, Mallee, Central and North East forecast districts. The heavy rainfall will spread from the west this morning to reach central Victoria on Wednesday afternoon before extending to northeastern Victoria later in the day.

Since 9am Tuesday the highest rain recorded in Victoria was 81mm at Hamilton followed by 71mm at Kanagulk, 60mm at Edenhope and 59mm at Warrnambool.


Severe Weather Warning
for damaging winds
for people in the North Central, Central, West and South Gippsland, East Gippsland and North East forecast districts
Issued at 5:04 am EDT on Wednesday 8 December 2010.

Weather Situation
A low pressure trough just west of Victoria will reach western Victoria on Wednesday morning then extend to central regions late in the day and to the east by Thursday morning.

Damaging winds averaging 50 to 60km/h with peak gusts around 90 km/h are forecast for the North Central and Central forecast districts for Wednesday.

Damaging winds averaging 50 to 60km/h with peak gusts around 100 km/h are forecast for areas above 1200 metres over the North East, West and South Gippsland and East Gippsland forecast districts.

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:00 am
by Microburst
Wild night 70mm yesterday to this morning, water lying everywhere, reports of 3cm hail last evening at Edenhope. Looks like the west has had the heaviest rain with Hamilton over 80mm. Have heard the Hopkins river has broken its banks. Water over the Henty highway at Cherrypool.

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:06 am
by Alexia
The rain has arrived. Very warm night 21.5c at present

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:39 am
by firestorm
well weird night the whole thing must have died to nothing on my doorstep so nothing added overnight whilst just down the road at cape otway they gopt 52mm :o hopefully its my turn today then :)

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:42 am
by Rhino
Had a few spots overnight and this morning but nothing to get excited about, although cloud thickening to my NW so should get something soon. Not overly excited about today, don't think models are showing much in terms of real heavy rain apart from the NE, don't mind being corrected on that though. BOM still going for flash flooding this arvo in central areas so must be onto something. Not that I will mind missing heavy falls here, SW and Wimmera have had massive falls overnight by the looks. :D

Rhino. :) :)

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:54 am
by Rhino
Nice little storm just passing over me now, rains pouring down, actually would'nt take much today to get 50mm+.

Rhino. :) :)

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:02 am
by Jake Smethurst
Have not checked the gauge yet, I will do that at 9am, but some massive falls around the place. Warrnambool picking up 60mm to my west, Cape Otway picked up 52mm to my southeast. So there is a high chance that I have above 50mm. Will be more soon with another band of moderate to heavy rain about to move over according to radar.

Also some nice shower and thunderstorm activity over central/eastern districts at the moment. These should increase a little ahead of the trough due in later today. Could see some locally severe activtiy too, just keeping an eye on it. Could also be some further thunderstorm development over W Vic ahead of the trough as well, mostly in-between rain areas. The STW is still current for all of E South Australia, so they at least think it's possible.

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:06 am
by stratospear
Copped a brief heavy downpour at 1:30am last night which put another 8mm in the gauge.

I'm not overly optimistic about today. Expecting only another 20-30mm, not 60mm which the BOM were talking about. Satpic shows the rainband is diverging and falling apart.

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:13 am
by Rhino
Line north of Swan Hill starting to develop nicely, have a feeling anywhere east of Bendigo will get a nice drenching later.

Rhino. :) :)

Re: Victoria: Rain/storm event - 6th-10th December 2010 (Obs

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:30 am
by Pengaz
Hoping that the closer proximity of the trough will reinvigorate things during the morning heating- worried theres too much cloud around to quell development. Not much to look at out the window here in Hawthorn except a murky grey slab (limited view Ill admit), and radar shows that current showers over the Northern Country and North Central are struggling to penetrate south into metro areas. Could be a case for orographical favouring today, but still hope to see a decent rainband push through between 2-6pm this arvo.

Watching the storms in Eastern SA and Western VIC was one of the most memorable weather events I've seen (on a desktop computer that is). The rainfall totals out that way are phenomenal and I can only imagine that paddock after paddock will have an abundance of surface water as it simply is to flat to be drained away anywhere!