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Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:08 pm
by Dane
Officer less than 10kms from here now up to 35mm's since 9am.
Still mostly sunny here.

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:24 pm
by aussiestormfreak
That band of showers and thunderstorms that's been affecting the southeastern suburbs over the past few hours appears to be associated with a 'convergence boundary' between breezes from Port Phillip and Western Port, and although most of the band has broken up a few cells remain in progress along a line from around Cockatoo/Gembrook/Pakenham area down to just south of Cranbourne... those cells around Cranbourne look pretty intense! Hope they can continue north and last long enough to bring some action to my area!! :D

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:28 pm
by Didjman
the cell near the airport has interesting lowerings, but no visible rotation in the zoom lense.

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:56 pm
by johnno
Thunder again over the northern suburbs.

I suspect the cell over Cranbourne would be throwing CG's too

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:05 pm
by Ob1
Yep, Definately throwing out CG's interesting lowerings on its western side as well.

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:45 pm
by Dane
Power back on now after that short and fairly intense Storm with several flangs blacked us out here.
Had a quick fire 14mm's with that, back to bright sunshine now. No hail though.

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:45 pm
by droughtbreaker
It's been really wet here since about 4pm. One shower around 7:00pm was almost torrential.

Checked the gauge from inside the house through binoculars, so I can't say exactly what I have had but it looks to be pretty close to 15mm or around about that mark.

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:42 pm
by Jake Smethurst
Very interesting day in-terms of the instability with the trough moving through. Apart from some heavy showers this morning here in Brighton, nothing but lovely sunshine here for the rest of today with rather mild to warm conditions.

Good to see showers and thunderstorms elsewhere :) We should see most of the shower activity across eastern parts of the state tomorrow.

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 10:24 pm
by johnno
Steady heavy drenching drizzle now here tonight type of rain that accumulate quite quickly if it stuck around just drenching not surprised now that we are on the back of the low cold air has moved east moister southerly airstream now has set in for a good part of the night for city area and northern suburbs with stream off the bay

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:56 am
by I_Love_Storms
Yesterday was a typical unstable November day. A shame we haven't had more of them! Taking forever to warm up this year. Surely if the cold air can linger to our south and push up the next time we get a warm humid day there will be some nice storms.getting very jealous of SE QLD and NSW over past couple of weeks.

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:10 am
by Dane
15.9mm's in the 24 hours to 9am. Event total 22.2mm's so we haven't done that bad here mainly thanks to that small cell that came over my area late yesterday and dumped 14mm's on me in half an hour. Some close flangs with that which blacked out my area for about 40 mins.
Fine at the moment and it does not look like much to come.
Btw MTD now 100.1mm's so we have topped the ton for the 4th time in the last six months.

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:50 pm
by occluded
Some reasonably heavy showers training over us for a change from the south with a handy 6.2mm so far today (as reported from the PWS).

Managed to avoid most of the convective showers yesterday down at Docklands for the dragon boat racing. Was interesting watching the cells flitting around us particularly out to the west.

Not a big fan of the ridiculous heat in summer but this southerly drizzle/rain business is getting a bit old. Bring on some humidity and the tropical downpours, Brisbane, Sydney and Canberra getting their share - our turn next please?!

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:16 pm
by mad*moo73
Watch the cricket ripper storm just went through Brisbane! :o

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:12 pm
by Gordon
25 mm to 9 am here, plus a couple more since and 5 mm before, so 30 mm plus for the event - another handy system.

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 9:13 am
by Pane

Anyone know what the end of this weeks going to bring?


Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 9:23 am
by Gordon
2 mm to 9 am, so 32 mm for the event here.

Still some drizzle around so maybe another 0.5 - 1 mm left in it but either way a surprise in the end that beat most of the models and the forecasts - at least as far as this area was concerned.

The cold and grey skies have just been relentless this month - will be interesting to see how it measures up against previous Novembers, although our nearest official weather station 30 km west at Ballarat has had a very different month to us with more sun and a fraction of the rain, so we may never know.

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:10 am
by stratospear
This past week has been a real mixed bag - next to nothing North of the Divide which isnt a bad thing in the middle of harvest.'

Incidentally, Melb CBD temps have been very different to the Olympic Park comparison site this month:

Minimum Temps:
Melb CBD: 12.0c (normal 11.2c)
Olympic Prk: 11.5c

Maximum Temps:
Melb CBD: 21.4c (normal 22.0c)
Olympic Prk: 19.9c

Source -" onclick=";return false;

So a significantly colder than average November thus far. (It will bump up a little with warmer weather this week)

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:49 am
by I_Love_Storms
This weather is horrendously boring. Times like these I consider moving up north!

Re: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:59 pm
by Dane
Thanks for that Olympic Park link stratosphere. Checked back a couple of months and its consistently about one degree lower for daytime temps - something you would expect, gives a more realistic City Temperature I think and more in line with the surrounding suburbs. But I noticed those Olympic park temps are rounded up or down to whole degrees they all end in point zero. Might make a slight difference. Would love to see that site become the official Site for Melbourne temps but I doubt it will.

Re: VIC: Brief Heat and Another Easterly Dip Rain Event.

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:13 pm
by Dane
Noticed that the Olympic park site is now appearing on the Melbourne AWS page so that's not bad.
As DJ said beautiful sunny day with light winds just a bit of high level cloud." onclick=";return false;