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Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:05 pm
by firestorm
Once again the coast escapes the heat and is turning in another magic day :thumbsup: great in the sun with just a 5km S/SE breeze and 20 degrees definatly enjoying the weather until tommorrow heat kicks in here.

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:11 pm
35C here and climbing, sick of the heat!!!

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:41 pm
by johnno
33c in Ballarat and almost 500 metres above sea level shows how hot this airmass is and only just North of us at the moment.

Nice 26c here with weak seabreeze and near sea level won't take long for some mixing to happen though I expect some sort of acceleration of the temperture in Melbourne after 3pm

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:45 pm
by Anthony Violi
Amazing how some of the models are all different in regards to moisture profile...LAPS suggests big humidity at 700 suggesting a decent cloud band and humid air mixing down, others dont bring in the humid air till after 5pm..will be a fine line between 41 and 43-44.

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:50 pm
by mick
Heaps of 39s up north, n/e already.

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:29 pm
by adon
about 41 here now and next to no breeze so a little sufficating outside. No cloud yet so hope to get some popping up soon.

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:38 pm
by norfolk
City temp is beginning to jump now, so now its a waiting game to see how high!

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:51 pm
by adon
Just startin to see some convection to our N now.... I reckon about maybe E of Sealake so hopefully this can move down during the arvo.

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:56 pm
by droughtbreaker
Temperature up to 29C here now. Still in south easterlies and very humid. Not sure how accurate my sensor is (should be very accurate) but I am recording a DP of 18.5C. :shock:

Anyway it would easily be at least 15C DP. Still expecting it to all mix out and get a huge jump in temp and drop in DP at any minute but nice to be holding out so far. Very pleasant up to this point.

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:02 pm
by johnno
The 30c+ temps extending into the Melbourne area now 32c now through the Yarra Valley and 31-32c in the Eastern and North Eastern suburbs & 30c now through the Northern suburbs this will continue to climb next few hours most suburbs (Bar the Coastal SW and Coastal SE suburbs) should be over 30c in the next hour or so.

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:13 pm
by firestorm
22.0 here now breeze from the E/SE very nice outside not to hot unlike the north plenty of 40+ happening up that way :blowtorch:

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:17 pm
droughtbreaker wrote:Temperature up to 29C here now. Still in south easterlies and very humid. Not sure how accurate my sensor is (should be very accurate) but I am recording a DP of 18.5C. :shock:

Anyway it would easily be at least 15C DP. Still expecting it to all mix out and get a huge jump in temp and drop in DP at any minute but nice to be holding out so far. Very pleasant up to this point.
34.1C here with a DP of 9.4C... one of the few times you win: I lose :lol:

Convection will have very little chance of getting going because of the 'thumping great' (scientific term) high pressure at 850hPa - check out the Bendigo and Fall Creek pressures!! Have never really noticed that before Clyve pointed it out just now......

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:32 pm
by johnno
Crickey! Mt.William 1150 metres above sea level 33c at the moment. Yes Jane this is the Massive Upper high that I have touched on many times since last weekend which has completly stablised the Uppers halting any chance of anything developing interms of storms and also The Upper oven temps it has bought with it. Mt.WilLiam temp amazes me as does the Pressure up higher Falls Creek almost 10hPa higher than sea level!

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:51 pm
by karenamelia
:sun: Its hit 40 in Horsham :cheers:

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:52 pm
I knew the high was there, but I'd never thought to check the pressures of locations in the mountains as they are actually sitting up in it in a completely different airmass (ok, so I can be slow at times :roll: )

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:57 pm
by johnno
Ypur not slow Jane ;) if it wasn't for you pointing out the pressure at Mt.Hotham I wouldn't even known myself

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:59 pm
by johnno
Falls Creek I mean! But I'm sure Mt.Hotham would be similar

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:05 pm
by I_Love_Storms
44 in Mildura, I see NW winds coming down through Melbourne tomorrow which will dry out the airmass by afternoon at the latest if there is humidity around.

Walpeup 44.5.

Don't have a thermometer but it feels about 37 here.

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:17 pm
by johnno
We will probably be stuck inbetween the extreme very hot air mass West of us and humidity over us and Eastern Vic so 42c probably the way to go for the moment for tomorrow will modest humidity.

34c now through the Yarra Valley and 33c through most of the North Eastern and Eastern suburbs

BTW I think Walpeup in the Mallee is higher than Mildura 44.5c at the moment and may have got slightly higher than that so far

Re: Victoria: Heatwave conditions moving S - Jan 7-11 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:19 pm
by norfolk
today was melbourne's big escape....while tomorrow wont be!