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Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:27 am
by schitzengiggles
Good lad steve. I'll pay for fuel.

I haven't been to bed yet.

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:48 am
by rikjpool
Good to see im not the only one awake atm. I just woke up and had this feeling something was going on. Look out my window and see a nice CB out in the distance siluetted against the dawn sky. They moving fairly quick too. Chasing could be interesting today. I hope I can get out! Where's your Target area Steve?

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:58 am
by AUS_Twisted
I was thinking between Echuca and Shepparton area, don't want to go any further then Echuca

Ryan, I'm gonna go to a eastlink over pass here for a short while to check things out in the morning light.

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:02 am
by b1schn1
Good luck to the chasers, I was woken by a short storm this morning that passed over Yarroweyah, the dog is still freaking out an hour later!

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:03 am
by rikjpool
Fair Call, I'd be heading more to the west of Echuca and following it east. Li's are around -7 there at 2pm, and spreading East as the day progresses. But I dont follow models al that much, i'd just head in that direction.

You should see those cells over Seymore way from the Eastlink, The backend of them can be seen from Bendigo. Nice and Chunky. Not very high, but solid. :)

Good to hear from you B1. :) I have a friend that lives in Numurkah. Be good to hear from someone in the area. :)

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:23 am
by Didjman
Just got some awesome shots of the TCU against the dawn sky!!!Looking nth/ne. Have to work today :(
My mobile is 0429861594 if people want updates from here.

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:36 am
by rikjpool
sweet, starting an hour and half early this morning.... I might just be able to get off around lunch time. :)

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:53 am
by AUS_Twisted
Could see the cell up north but there was a lot of smaller CU in front of it blocking view and a low fog/haze around.

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:01 am
by Duckey
Thick fog at my place this morning, which burnt off as soon as the sun hit it. Absolutely beautiful with the sunrise. Now bright, strong sunshine, should do well in heating things up and prime conditions this afternoon for storm activity. Am hoping to be able to leave work earlier today (been burning the midnight oil lately!) so will hopefully be able to get out there and get some shots out the yarra valley way if the predicted storms move down that way...... :D

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:12 am
by Duckey
Looks like there's a lot of lightning associated with that cell just to the NE of Alexandra....wish I was out there now!! :(

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:15 am
by Karl Lijnders
A sensational morning with plenty of strong convective areas across the sky and some amazingly intense thunderstorms for this time of day in the C and E ranges.

Lots of AccAs about. Suspect that C areas west of a line from Echuca through to the Prom will see storms develop late morning or early afternoon with surface heating. These will be the ones worth waiting for.

Likely to see a period of rain as the front nears this afternoon.

Anticipating 25-40mm here in best case scneario but these situations are tricky to call and my estimate may be conservative.

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:17 am
by Australis(Shell3155)
Beautiful Start to the Day.
6.22am. Note. Change time to DST on camera.! Empty Card and Charge Batteries.

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:38 am
by Timster
droughtbreaker wrote:My forecast for the day is for all the signals to get knocked out causing mass public transport chaos across the board. :x It seems to happen every time there is a large storm outbreak.
Too true, although I hope you're wrong. I need that train to take me home from the CBD to Ballarat.

Have my new camera with me today, so maybe can get some shots this afternoon.


Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:46 am
by Skywalker
Very foggy start to the day at home which seemed to clear the closer I got to work. Not sure what today will bring around here but fingers crossed.

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:23 am
by Nick Sykes
Hey Guys

Nice convection on the sat pic in NW vic, DP's on the rise through the metro area, bring it on.


Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:03 am
by stevco123
Geez, it really smells and feels like queensland out there. And also it has the feeling of the march hail storm.i hope we get good storms but nothing like the march one

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:16 am
by wolfcat
wow... check out the state radar... lots of big stuff already dropping heavy rain and lightning.

Camera is charged and ready to go... but stuck at work :-(

so will have to wait for it to come to me.

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:29 am
by Karl Lijnders
Middle level pulsies are on the explode through the C areas at the moment. Looks like we could get a bit in the next hour with the best of it still sitting well NW.

Mixing has occurred good and proper now with temps to 22C across Melbourne. If we sneak 25-26C it could be one to remember!

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:39 am
by Harley34
Atmosphere feels great for storm activity! Radar looking good aswell, and stormtracker is picking up alot of lightning streaming down from the NW with associated thunderstorms. Can someone chuck up the BOM thunderstorm chart for today when it is available please?, cheers guys, would appreciate it, and good luck for those who are chasing.

Re: Victoria: Showers and thunderstorms - October 6th-7th 2

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:51 am
by Lily
Some nice looking little cells breaking out over the Mornington Peninsula and Wonthaggi/Leongatha way now, Eildon doing well too early in the game, 4.6mm since 9am already :D
