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Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:58 pm
by aussiestormfreak
This heat is bringing back fresh, painful memories of 2006 and 2008! I remember it getting this warm on a few days in September in both years, only to be followed by massive bushfires during the summer months, hope that doesn't happen this year! :o :(

Because I live in the Dandenong Ranges, even in wet summers now, even a brief burst of hot, dry, windy weather is enough to make me frightened. :( I am really hoping that the predicted La Nina brings some good soaking rains in coming months, and that this stubborn high pressure ridge will weaken or move out of the way and allow more cold fronts to push north...

29.2C on my thermometer earlier, pretty toasty for a normally cool month, really hoping storms will start developing later as the change moves in, we need more rain

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:09 pm
by crikey
Some rain /virga bands pushing across the border atm on the BOM radar. Impressed they are not dissolving with the humidity they are pushing across land
A straight North south line from mildura to portland.
Bom wind map spot on with timing and front line orientation and wind intensity. I give it 9/10 for today
Air is cooling here with increasing cloud cover

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:13 pm
by AUS_Twisted
Half decent convection 60k's out of Warnambool, a few small towers trying to get going to the NE side of here. Should get better in the next few hours

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:24 pm
by aussiestormfreak
AUS_Twisted » Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:13 pm wrote:
AUS_Twisted wrote:Half decent convection 60k's out of Warnambool, a few small towers trying to get going to the NE side of here. Should get better in the next few hours
Yeah hope it's a sign of things to come AUS_Twisted, I think we're feeling a bit storm-deprived atm lol :)

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:34 pm
by sparra
Hi everyone :) lovely day......
Thought I would let you know whats happening out here in the west. Temp has dropped from 27 to 23 in just the last few minutes with terrible winds.....gusts up to 98km/hr. Has died down a touch but pretty wild out there. Few spits of rain with the wind....we have been out drafting lambs in it.....I know...crazy .....but when Coles want em they get em!!!
Crops are really hanging out for a drink.....have been told there may be some on the way in 10days's hoping!!!!
Anyway the change is on its way....enjoy!!!

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:46 pm
by HarleyB
Hi all, first time posting in this section in a long time, sorry I've been away for so long, school has been really busy lately.

Crazy wind here started at around 8:30 this morning and has not stopped. Lovely max here of 26°C today, sun is being covered by cloud now so it shouldn't get any higher. Looks like there could be just one or two storms tonight. Here's hoping anyway.

Also looks like a good system in around 9 days' time. If we don't get something decent around here soon, look out in summer. It will get dry so quickly and with all the undergrowth from the rain of 6-12 months ago, there will be plenty to burn. Hopefully this La Nina will be a good one like last summer.

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:57 pm
by aussiestormfreak
Yes!! We have lightning in Victoria! Small thunderstorm cells detected on radar around Cape Otway! :D

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:59 pm
by Rivergirl
Yes been pretty windy up here. I'm on the northern face of Ferny Creek so always worry about fires with hot northerlies. We could all do with a drink so hopefully La Nina will help us when she comes.

That sounds hopeful aussiestormfreak :)

Here's the story on the Upwey fire

Homes razed as fire tears through suburban street Adam Cooper
September 19, 2011 - 12:20PM

Image .
A firefighter inspects the ruins in Upwey. Photo: CFA

Fire has destroyed one house, damaged three others and left at least three people injured in Melbourne's outer east.

The Country Fire Authority said hot, windy conditions made things difficult for the 14 crews called to control the blaze, which started in Upwey just before 11am.

One man is understood to have suffered burns and a woman is understood to have been treated for smoke inhalation and shock. Details about the third victim are not known.

A CFA spokesman said the fire started in one house and quickly spread to three others in Mahony Street.

It is believed crews have brought the fire under control.

The spokesman said one house was destroyed, another was extensively damaged and two suffered minor damage.

‘‘It’s taken a fair while to bring it under control,’’ he said.

‘‘It’s difficult conditions out there given it’s hot and windy and it’s pretty leafy in that area.’’

The cause of the fire is not yet known.

Read more: ... z1YNJrvZsf" onclick=";return false;

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:12 pm
by aussiestormfreak
All of a sudden the Cape Otway cell is showing a red core... so hopefully a sign of things to come between now and midnight! :D

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:16 pm
by flatcam
aussiestormfreak » Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:12 pm wrote:
aussiestormfreak wrote:All of a sudden the Cape Otway cell is showing a red core... so hopefully a sign of things to come between now and midnight! :D
Yes! Unfortunately it appears to be heading out to sea. Hopefully, if any more cells develop, they will appear further inland. Really hoping for a nice show this evening!

Cheers, Cam

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:16 pm
by Lily
C'mon you good thing!!! 27 Degrees here, 34% RH, like many others, lots of high based cloud covering the sky now. Thanks for dropping by with your news from out west, Sparra, and great to see so many familiar names coming out to play at the hint of some storms. I think it's safe to assume that many of us have severe storm-withdrawals :laughing:

w00t! on the new car, Duckey, that's awesome. What did you get?

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:24 pm
by johnno
BOM have changed the forecast for Melbourne Tonight fair bit drier, makes bit more sense to me. Still expecting 1mm at best from the band here (Nw burbs).

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:27 pm
by johnno
stevco123 » Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:50 pm wrote:
stevco123 wrote:Sorry guys and girls, I'm with the bureau on this one. They can see something more than we can. We were saying on saturday that nothing would develop and there was storms, although in bass strait. Their forecast was for isolated storms and that's what we (victoria) got. I think the same goes for today. There will be rain and storms, although where and how severe is a different matter.

Still agree with BOM? Preety much changed the forecast to what I have been saying for days

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:29 pm
by johnno
Not suprised with the lower based storms near the Otways as there is slightly better low level moisture down there ahead of the front, I cant see anything decent developing further inland

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:42 pm
by Supercellimpact
Bendigo was 0.4 away from it's record September Maximum of 30.4 .

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:48 pm
by Jake Smethurst
Managed to see a nice tower on the way home from school ahead of the main band of cloud. A few CG's in it as it headed towards Cape Otway. Otherwise remaining dry and very windy with a dusty haze around the region. Winds up to 80 km/h gusts here at home. I'll look into things more tonight after milking!

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:54 pm
by WaterBaby
We've been under 'light rain' on the radar for over half an hour now and I've felt nothing but a few very very light drops. The wind died down for about an hour but it's now the strongest it's been all day. PLEASE!!! We need some rain!

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:04 pm
by nafets
Temps cooling down a bit now as we are covered with cloud. Matamus clouds forming above!

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:09 pm
by johnno
For those who were wishing saying we had enough rain 6-8 months (some had reason too cos there properties were flooded) I bet you wish you hadn't of said that. Once the Positive IOD knicks off thats when we will see the rainfall return.

Dams have stalled.. Be suprised if we get over 63% by the end of the month. Will struggle to get to 66-67% by the end of Spring the way things are and are going.

Re: Vic: Unstable Warm Weather Sept 16th- 19th

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:26 pm
by flatcam
Couple of TINY cells appear to be developing slightly further inland. Hopefully they continue to grow!

Gotten really dark here in the last half hour. Looks great! Air is still quite warm as well.

Cheers, Cam