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Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:24 pm
by HarleyB
Lauriston and Malmsbury are being evacuated, indicating the Coliban River is still rising. More bad news for Lake Eppalock. The Yea River down at Devlins Bridge has suddenly sprung back up so the Goulburn Peak may peak a little higher than 5.2m here

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:25 pm
by Lily
I spoke too soon, another burst of moderate to heavy rain, yet absolutely nothing showing on radar!

Rotten news coming out of the west of Victoria :( Dad's in Malmsbury, best give him a call :o

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:41 pm
by HarleyB
More evacuation warnings just issued. Evacuation Warning for Serpentine, Durham Ox and low lying areas - issued 2.45pm 14 January 2011 and Evacuation Warning for Lauriston to Malmsbury to Metcalfe - issued 2.45pm 14 January 2011 ... n~&2=~&3=~

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:50 pm
by Flangfest
Just went out shopping. Blind Creek along Burwood Highway is well up but Dandenong Creek at Vermont South almost reaching road height. It's a sight to see... ;)

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:02 pm
by nafets
HarleyB wrote:Does the Coliban River go into the Campaspe or Loddon River? Because Lachlan Quick from the SES just said something about it, missed it though
It goes into lake eppalock, so the campase. :) :) Stefan

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:09 pm
by Gordon
A moment to report in at last. Horrendous winds last night and trees & powerlines down everywhere. We were without power from about 2 am to 10 am; some neighbours are still without. Another 71 mm in the gauge before the rain abruptly stopped but we were lucky as some other gauges less the 5 km away recorded 100 mm.

Never been so glad to see the rain stop. By the end the amazing thing was how only a few mm amplified the flooding - result of total saturation I guess. Another 10 mm and things would have been much worse. Many local roads under water but being in hilly top-of-catchment country we have been spared the huge floods heading downstream (I hear the Lerderderg at Bacchus Marsh is only a foot beneath the freewway bridge!)

Event total exactly 180 mm, by far our highest monthly total for any month in our 16 years here. Best wishes to all those with real floods to contend with.

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:12 pm
by wobbie
Ah, the sun just came out to say hello after a long absence. I'm absolutely craving for some dry warmth and beach weather. Finished on 110mm. Not a bad drop for the middle of January!

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:15 pm
by Petethemoskeet
11mm for today and looks like it's clearing now

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:47 pm
by Monbulkian
The sun is shining here which is a nice change from the last few days. 8-) We are on 25mm here for the day unless there is more to come. Still quite muggy but certainly not as bad as the last few days.

Plan on going for a walk tonight in Monbulk to see what if any damage the rain but mostly the wind has caused. The ground in the backyard is very spongy, something I don't recall here and we have been here nearly 10 years. My husband says it has happened but it's been a very long time.

Just checked out our veggie garden. Haven't harvested for a few days due to the weather and the zucchinis are enormous. All we need is some sun for the tomatoes........

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:49 pm
by Meso
RE Bridgewater flooding - ... 47793.aspx" onclick=";return false;

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:55 pm
by Supercellimpact
A amazing 160mm here for the event from Sunday to Today. Suns out, also it's quite warm.

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:58 pm
by droughtbreaker
Power finally restored here, it has been a very trying day. Sun is out now and everything is looking fantastic, green and sparkling. The waterfall at Stanley Park is gushing with some serious force. I reckon you would be catapulted about a metre and a half in the air if you stepped into it. :)

A lot of driveways cut and roads eroded, it is a bit of a mess out there. Our creek here didn't flow over the road but spread out about 5 metres wide cascading through properties. Huge rises in the Maribyrnong catchment and I would expect this to continue with the amount of water we are seeing flowing through here. Jacksons Creek at Rosslynne Reservoir is now just 5 metres off the minor flood level and it rose about 2 metres overnight. I expect Rosslynne will see massive inflows this week and be about 60-70% full. Not bad for a res that they thought would never fill again and was 'turned off'. Apparently they are going to 'turn it back on' again next year to supplement our water supply.

208mm grand total since Sunday. One of the biggest rain events in the history of this area. We have now had over 1400mm for the past 54 weeks. :o

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:00 pm
by Anthony Violi
Finished on 85.4mm here, an amazing amount given the rainshadow was in full force for Eastern suburbs for most of this event. Had 31mm today which was a great finish off.

yes, an historic event in many ways, rainfall, Humidity, and flooding unfortunately. Our dams are just brimming when they have normally being plumetting down at this time of year. Will post up some totals later.

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:11 pm
by BigBen
droughtbreaker wrote: I expect Rosslynne will see massive inflows this week and be about 60-70% full. Not bad for a res that they thought would never fill again and was 'turned off'. Apparently they are going to 'turn it back on' again next year to supplement our water supply.
Now that is a real WOW. Probably the only bit of good news I've heard the last few days.

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:17 pm
by melsy
Similar totals to you AV
26.5mm today. 89.5mm for event.

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:17 pm
by droughtbreaker
nafets wrote:
HarleyB wrote:Does the Coliban River go into the Campaspe or Loddon River? Because Lachlan Quick from the SES just said something about it, missed it though
It goes into lake eppalock, so the campase. :) :) Stefan
It forms a separate arm of Eppalock. It's only a very short river. It is the river that forms Trentham Falls and is dammed to form a chain of reservoirs between Tylden to Malmsbury.

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:34 pm
by droughtbreaker
The Melbourne Water station somewhere up the mountain here (I still haven't figured out exactly where but up at one of the dams I would think) recorded 246.4mm for the week on top of 1417.8mm last year. That's 1664.2mm in just over a year.

The annual average at Weeaproinah is 1935.4mm so the Mount Macedon total is getting right up there, it has to be record breaking and we are still only half way through the month. We could easily get another decent rain event or storm outbreak before then. There is every reason to expect the deluges to continue through Autumn as we start seeing the NW cloud bands develop and the La Nina should be still hanging around although much weaker.

The flooding is horrific around the western and northern parts of the state and the communities around there have been terrorised since September with numerous severe floods. It is terrible to see the great people of country VIC suffering like this. The bright side though is that we are going to see full dams across the board, i.e a fully secure water supply, a complete absence of fire danger, possibly for the rest of the year but certainly for the next month at least which pretty much sees us through the worst period. Gardens across the state will be magnificent, paddocks will be green and brimming with pasture, crops have got a massive head start for next year. Our forests are going to look spectacular and countryside in general.

If we can just get through this really tough period as a state I know we are going to have a great year ahead. ;)

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:39 pm
by mick
Rained all day then the sun came out and an hour later there was no sign of any of the 35mm that fell. Very tropical still here, humidity dowm to 49% which is as low as it has been for a week but remains at 70% 20 k up the road, looking forward to a cool dry night. Good luck to all those vics flooded out, I hope the pub is dry.

Unusual that slip in the grampians, be interesting to have a look at what sparked it off.

Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 6:09 pm
by Timster
Hey Rhino

Just watching the news and Carisbrook not looking so good. Hope you're safe and sound.


Re: Victoria: Troughy thundery humid rain event. Jan 9th-15t

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 6:58 pm
by daviescr
Yeah Rhino, hope things are OK with you, all our thoughts are with you and your townsfolk.
Stunning pictures, thanks for all contributions

Came home to find another ~30mm since I left at 8am, taking me to 91mm for the event, so 122.5 for the MTD. Really stunned by it all, but not surprised.

Kudos to Anthony Violi for picking this so far out and so well.

Interesting to see GFS for the next week - forecasting the TC off NW WA to track down to Perth! Time for their drought to break?