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Anyone know how to access BOM's thunderstorm forecast charts? I note they're sometimes published on BOM's Facebook page, but there's no pattern to if or when?
For example, I saw today's chart on another weather site (forecast issued at 1.59am this morning - shows a large area of 'likely' thunderstorms across west central), but no sign of it anywhere on BOM's pages that I can see?
Sea breezes were forecast widely too on last nights tv forecasts, but there’s too much northerly at the moment unfortunately- unless that wind is going to ease off later we’re gonna fry even on the coast. Yesterday was beautiful and the sea breeze was splendid. we were 10 degrees cooler in Brighton than just up the road in Moorabbin .
Thanks Didjman, that's the chart I saw on another site earlier this morning.
Any way to access directly from BOM, or do we need to get it from a secondary site?
(PS: DP is currently 16C here. At least any rain that falls should make it to the ground.)
Sitting on the beach at Fairhaven this evening watching huge bolts of lightning hit the Otways behind Lorne. Going to be a very watchful 48 hours down this way. Getting a bit of rain now but most of it seems to be bypassing us to date. Hopefully that rain out west can make it here.
stevco123 wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 7:16 pm
The Geelong storm, viewed from across the road from my house, Cranbourne. Quite a structure. Looks violent. Definite green tinge
Great pic! Vic Emergency app is lighting up for building damage and flooding in parts of Geelong.
We scored 5mm from a slow moving storm earlier this evening, after topping out at just over 40c earlier this arvo. It was baking hot air around midday.
Super muggy and steamy out there after the storm, but now we’re under the shade of the big anvil from the Geelong storm complex.
Geez what a stinker of a day. Heaps of 43’s around Victoria. Down here in Tasmania was either humid and mid 20’s on coastal ares or pushing into the 30’s inland. Max of 25C for us down south of Hobart again. Very humid with status at about 400m this afternoon on the hills.
I’ve been on the north coast near Burny for surf comps where it got very thundery thus arvo. Certainly pushed further south than expected. As for Victoria, probably tracking as expected being mainly a west central/surf coast event. I’ve got no idea if they’ll make it to Melbourne. EC says no, GFS says maybe. Guess the radar will tell. Hearing reports of more than 50mm down Geelong way with hail.
Two more stinkers to come before it cools down for a period.